In recent years, the industry has seen a significant shift towards hiring more and more specialist contractors to support operations. As a result, organisations are now
under additional pressure to integrate service providers under the umbrella of their operations, particularly with regards to health and safety management. This 3-day IOSH-approved Contractor HSE Management course will help you bridge that gap.
Collective reporting of company Health, Safety
and Environmental (HSE) performance is
expected, but many organisations struggle to
find the right balance between strict
supervision and establishing a collective safety
culture when it comes to service providers.
Many factors play a significant role in how HSE
aspects of the business are managed; cultures -
whether organisational or regional, types of
contracts, economies and local legislations.
Understating how to prepare for these, as well
as the long-term impacts of planning-phase
decisions, is paramount and will directly impact
your ability to create a strong overall safety
culture in your business.
From the early stages of deciding if a service
provider is required, right through to managing
the health, safety and environmental aspects of
any contract, is a continuous process.
This course will ensure you have a solid
understanding of setting key performance
indicators, tendering, pre-selection assessment,
contractor culture assessments, evaluation and
selection, mobilisation, auditing operations and
much more.
For those involved with the contracting
elements of HSE, the IOSH Contractor HSE
Management course will prepare you for every
element of the process and fully equip you with
the tools and know-how to introduce the
necessary expertise within your organisation
Adel Lawson MSc CMIOSH, Managing Director at DMLC
Health, Learning & Development and Leadership professional with more than 20 years’ experience working in the in the Oil and Gas, Engineering and Construction industries in the United Kingdom, Asia and the Middle East.
In a training career spanning more than 15 years, Adel has developed and trained more than 50,000 persons working for multinational organizations and fortune 100 companies.
He has been part of teams which have achieved exceptional safety performances and an advocate of building strong safety cultures through training, strong leadership and behavioural change.
From a strong engineering background, Adel he has developed award winning training programs and highly effective training methodologies which ensures organizations achieve the most effective culture changes in the most efficient manner.
If you’re responsible for managing contractor HSE
requirements within any stage of contract
development, award or operations, this course is
for you and those in the following roles:
• Health, Safety and Environmental Professionals
(All Levels)
• Contract Specialists / Managers
• Project Specialists / Managers
• General and Operational Managers / Supervisors
• Quality Control Specialists / Managers / Auditors
• Planning and Operational Excellence Professionals.
This comprehensive IOSH-approved course
includes worldwide best practices and standards:
• IOSH/ASSE Good Practice Guidelines: Global Best
Practices in Contractor Safety
• HSG159: Managing Contractors - A Guide for Employers
• HSG65: Successful Health & Safety Management
• HSG150: Health & Safety in Construction
• IOGP Guidelines – HSE management guidelines for working together in a contract environment
On completion of the course, you’ll have a clear understanding of:
• Work cultures and how contractor HSE practices must be tailored to suit
• Health, safety and environmental requirements when writing contracts,
developing tenders and selecting / evaluating contractors
• Health and safety requirements in the process of planning, choosing a contractor, work on site and reviewing the work
• Basic HSE Requirements when monitoring contractor performance
• Setting Contractor HSE KPI's, reporting and auditing requirements.
1: Introduction, cultural considerations and
global best practices
2: Planning for HSE before initiating a contract
3: HSE requirements when selecting a contractor
4: Managing HSE performance after contract
5: Monitoring and reviewing performance
6: Ensuring excellence in contractor HSE-integration and setting achievable KPI's.
The course is available via face-to-face or remote learning